My services
I copy-edit manuscripts, ensuring the text is consistent, clear and error-free. I am used to working with artwork briefs and can flag content where third-party permission may be required. I am able to create a style guide or work to (and update) existing style guides, and will ensure my queries are labelled clearly.
I proofread page proofs, focusing on text, layout and images. I am able to check proofs against manuscripts and design briefs, or against previous proofs. I can also check that previous mark-up has been taken in accurately and will flag any queries for the relevant party.
Comment collation
I can collate comments on proofs from all project stakeholders, including authors, taking into account how different mark-ups interact with one another. I will work with you to ensure all queries are resolved and the final mark-up is clear.
Project management
Having managed a team of editorial project managers in-house, I am adept at managing the most complex projects and series. I am able to create schedules, manage budgets, communicate with stakeholders, commission freelancers and work to deliver projects on budget and within the briefed timeframe.